Travel Advice & Vaccinations




Before travelling overseas, it is important to be aware of the possible health risks and how to prevent problems or minimise the chances of them occurring.

We have a limited number of travel appointments so please try booking in advance. The travel appointments are usually released up to 4 weeks in advance.

There is a high demand for these appointments, as such, we cannot guarantee there will be one available to suit your planned travel dates.

Travel vaccinations should be booked 6 weeks before the travel. This is to ensure vaccines are given safely and you are protected for your entire travel. You may be declined a travel appointment with the nurse if you have not left enough time. It is the patient responsibility to provide enough time before their travel

The travel vaccines which we provide, and are only those free on the NHS which are:

Other travel vaccines, if required, are available privately (with a Charge) such as:

  • Hepatitis B (£30/Dose)
  • Meningococcal ACWY (£50/Dose)

There are many alternative providers of travel health advice and vaccinations in London, largely at certain chemists or private travel clinics. Most chemists provide malaria tablets for adults without the need for a prescription from your GP practice.

Please note that we are currently experiencing a supply issue for some of the travel vaccines such as:

  • Child Hep A
  • Adult Hep A / Thyphoid

Travel Vaccine Recommendations and Advice:

Please do check vaccine recommendations and Travel advice from NaTHNaC and/or Fit For Travel.

These provide general travel information, vaccine recommendations, and information about malaria and other risks.

Your Vaccination Records

You can view the past vaccines that we have recorded electronically for you once you are registered via the NHS App or Patient Choices.

We may not have complete records, especially if you had vaccinations abroad or privately.

As a guideline, you should have completed the UK Routine Immunisation schedule, which includes:

  • 2 doses of Measles
  • Mumps and Rubella (MMR)
  • and the Tetanus/diphtheria/polio course in your childhood and teens

Vaccine Length of Protection:

  • Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio: 10 years, Typhoid: 3 years
  • Hepatitis A: 1 dose lasts 1 year. A second dose of Hepatitis A provides cover for 25 years from the date of the second dose.

We do not stock Meningitis ACWY or Hepatitis B vaccine so please book an appointment well in advance for us to order or you should contact other providers for these. 

If you have booked an appointment with our nurse please kindly ensure that you completed the below form at least one week prior to your appointment with the nurse.

Please do not complete the form unless you have an appointment booked, otherwise we will not be able to action it.


For more information, please visit the websites below:

Travel Illnesses and Vaccinations – NHS

Travel Health

FCO Travel Advice