Non-NHS Services




The health related needs of our NHS patients are our doctors' highest priorities.

Outside of their regular working hours, doctors may produce letters or complete forms in their own time.

Given that these administrative tasks are not part of the NHS services that we are contracted for, the fees are payable.

  • The rates are determined using the guidance by the British Medical Association for such work, and represent the time and effort invested by the medical team and administrative staff.

 Why does my doctor charge fees?


Alongside the fees, certain waiting times are applicable.

Whilst we will aim to complete your request as soon as possible, the standard minimum waiting time is one calendar month  – please note that depending on the intricacy and GP capacity, this deadline may be extended.

  • We consider each request individually, and retain the right to refuse it
  • We do not accept Non - NHS requests on an urgent basis.


How to submit a Non-NHS Service request

You may submit your request by:


Requesting copies of medical records

Service Paid By Fee
Copy of medical records - Free
Duplicate copies Patient £50


List of Services, Charges and Protocols

  • The list below is not exhaustive; if your form is not listed below, we may still be able to complete it.
  • Your GP will need to view the form and confirm the fee payable. We will relay this information to you; upon the receipt of the payment, we will complete and provide the form.
  • Whilst we will endeavour to complete your request as soon as possible, this may take up to one calendar month and is subject to further extensions, if appropriate. We do not accept Non-NHS requests on an urgent basis.
  • There is a standard fee payable at the point of submitting a Letter request. Please note that further charges may be payable if appropriate.
  • The fees are non-refundable.
  • We only accept cash payments, and we require the exact amount as we do not keep change on Surgery premises.

Fees below are guidelines only.

  • The final fee payable for your request will be confirmed to you in advance.

 Request a Service from the list below

Service Paid By Fee
Patient Summary
  • Includes current and past diagnoses, 3 latest consultations, latest tests results, and medications prescribed
- Free
Private fit note Patient From £30
Private Letters or To Whom It May Concern Letters - e.g. Fit to fly, holiday cancellation, Blue Badge, work, study etc.
  • written at a GP’s discretion
Patient From £30
Council Reports - e.g. Housing, Local Council/Assessment Eligibility, Appeals etc.
  • These have to be requested by the Agency Concerned
Local Authority  
Proof of registration letter Patient From £30
Short insurance claim forms Patient/Insurance From £30
Doctor's Report for Insurance Applications Patient/Insurance From £120
Supplementary Report for Insurance Applications Patient/Insurance From £30
PSG/HGV/Taxi Medical Report Patient From £100
Adoption/Fostering Medical Patient/Relevant Agency (i.e. Local Authority) From £80
Doctor's Report or Medical Questionnaire Patient From £80
Medical Report requiring a private appointment for full consultation and examination Patient From £150

As per Government guidelines, we are unable to provide letters showing you Covid-19 vaccination status