Specialist Medication: Shared Care + ADHD




General Approach to Specialist Request for Medication

We are required to prescribe in a consistent, safe and equitable way. Each medication request by any specialist will be considered and assessed in line with NHS GP best guidelines.

We prescribe when it is in accordance with the medication license, NHS NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellent) guidance and also the NCL (North Central London) JFC (Joint Formulary Committee) guidelines.


ADHD Medications

Recently we have been receiving a large number of requests to prescribe ADHD medications in situations when it has not been possible to do so and we therefore thought it might be helpful to have a section describing how the general approach to specialist medicines (as described above) impacts on our ability (or otherwise) to prescribe these medications.

Learn more about Specialist Medication: Shared Care and ADHD

Published: Oct 31, 2023