General Practice Data for Planning and Research




Patient data from GP medical records kept by GP practices in England is used every day to improve health, care and services through planning and research, helping to find better treatments and improve patient care. The NHS is introducing an improved way to share this information - called the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection. NHS Digital has been directed by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to collect and analyse data from GP practices for health and social care purposes including policy, planning, commissioning, public health and research purposes. 

If you DO NOT want your identifiable patient data (which will be pseudonymised) to be shared for purposes except for your own care, you can opt-out by registering a Type 1 Opt-out or National Data Opt-out.


Health Information Exchange

Introducing joined-up health and care records means that the health and care professionals involved in your care can see your information and make quicker and safer decisions with you.

Visit the website for more information or to opt out