Flu Vaccinations




Winter Flu Vaccination Campain 2021-22

We now have supplies of the 2021 flu vaccine. 
Patients can walk in and we will try and arrange a flu vaccination for them on the spot.


Who is eligible for NHS flu vaccination?

  • All patients who are 65 or older from 31st March 2022.
  • Pregnant Women.
  • Children aged two, three and four plus children in school years 1-5.
  • Children aged over six months with a long term health condition.
  • If you care for someone who is elderly or disabled.
  • If you are a healthcare worker with direct patient contact (vaccinations for healthcare workers should be provided by their employer not by their GP)
  • If you live in a nursing home or other long-stay residential care accommodation.

Image of a patient receiving a vaccination

In addition to the main at-risk groups of people listed above, you should be immunized if you have been diagnosed with any of the below long term health conditions:

  • Have any on-going (chronic) lung diseases. Examples include chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis and severe asthma (needing regular steroid inhalers or tablets). It is also recommended for any child who has previously been admitted to hospital with a chest infection.
  • Have a chronic heart disease. Examples include angina, heart failure or if you have ever had a heart attack.
  • Have a serious kidney disease. Examples include nephrotic syndrome, kidney failure, a kidney transplant.
  • Have a serious liver disease such as cirrhosis.
  • Have diabetes.
  • Have a poor immune system. Examples include if you are receiving chemotherapy or steroid treatment (for more than a month), if you have HIV/AIDS or if you have had your spleen removed.
  • Have certain serious diseases of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis or have had a stroke in the past.

This list of conditions isn’t definitive. It’s always an issue of clinical judgement. Your GP can assess you individually to take into account your risk of flu exacerbating any underlying illness you may have, as well as your risk of serious illness from flu itself. The vaccine should always be offered in such cases, even if you are not technically in one of the risk groups above. If you live with someone who has a weakened immune system, you may also be advised to have a flu vaccine. Speak to your GP about this.